Ray Henninger - Programs and Production Manager

Ray Henninger is a performer, educator and administrator from New York, and is delighted to be serving as the Artistic Operations and Production Manager, and Music Librarian for Voices of Ascension, while also overseeing the organization’s Marketing and Communications portfolio. Following a joint degree in Performance and Arts Administration from SMU, Ray spent five years as a professional French horn player, music director, singer and public school teacher in Dallas, and holds experience in many elements of nonprofit performing arts administration (development, communications, artistic support); stage and tour management, plus lots of live and recorded concert production.

A native of far upstate NY, Ray has worked with managing farmers markets, tree-to-bottle cider-making, and cooking for others. Now based in South Brooklyn with a beloved partner and personable cat, Ray is a partner in DFW jazz club Revelers Hall, a former member of the board at The Wild Detectives, and is a member of Local-802, the Brooklyn Botanic Garden, Green-Wood Cemetery, and four public library systems. They enjoy life outdoors, reading big books on park benches, restoring vintage pedal steel guitars and brass instruments, hall and gallery acoustics, listening to live concert recordings, landscape architecture, and both really loud and really quiet music.
