Mass in B Minor
Thursday, February 27, 2014 at 8:00pm
Universally recognized as one of the highest achievements of Western Art, The Mass in B Minor represents the culmination of Bach’s life as a composer of sacred choral music. This one work contains such a phenomenal wealth of great music that it stands virtually in a class of its own.
One page after another reveals some of the greatest moments in all music: the exhilarating outburst of “Et resurrexit,” the poignant “Crucifixus,” the triumphant, cosmic “Sanctus,” the moving “Agnus Dei” for contralto, and the final “Dona nobis pacem,” a chorus of universal scope.
Dominique Labelle, soprano
Silvie Jensen, mezzo-soprano
Nils Neubert, tenor
Dashon Burton, bass-baritone
Mitsuru Tsubota, violin
Katherine Fink, flute
Diane Lesser, oboe & oboe d’amore
Marsha Heller, oboe & oboe d’amore
Lawrence DiBello, french horn
Charles McCracken, bassoon
Erik Holtje, bassoon
Daire Fitzgerald, cello
Brian Cassier, bass
Mark Kruczek, organ