A Vivaldi Festival
Thursday, March 3, 2011 at 8:00 PM
Laetatus sum
Concerto for Two Trumpets and Orchestra (Kevin Cobb & Thomas Hoyt, trumpets)
Introduction and Gloria
The color and pageantry of i8th Century Venice will be in full display with this program! Antonio Vivaldi, nicknamed "Il prete rosso" ("the red-headed priest"), lived his entire life amidst the splendor of the churches, palazzi, and canals of this wondrous city; and the color and atmosphere of Venice are perfectly depicted in his music.
As popular as Vivaldi's works are today, his wonderful choral pieces are seldom performed, especially by professional ensembles — with one exception, the Gloria, KV 589. But he composed two Glorias, and it is the other one — the Introduction and Gloria, RV 588, that we will perform this year. With its delightful solos and duets, and splendid choruses, the work is every bit as fine as the more famous setting, and yet, it is hardly ever performed. The infectiously happy Laetatus sum and his Magnificat (arguably his single finest choral work) are likewise seldom heard.
As an extra musical bonus, we add Vivaldi's famous double Trumpet Concerto with two of this country's finest players.