Voices of Connection: 08/10 Martha Sullivan: Shakespeare's Throat

This terrific piece was the 2016 winner of the Sorel Medallion, and this performance was the World Premiere. Martha Sullivan is a well-known person in the New York choral community, both as a composer and professional singer. This work is actually three pieces tied together with violin solos.

Here are Martha’s notes:

Shakespeare’s Throat presents three of Shakespeare’s texts about singing: “Hark, Hark! The Lark,” Ophelia’s mad lament “And will he not come again,” and the ebullient “Who is Sylvia?” Although each may stand alone, when taken together, they make the point that singing is never the same thing: every vocal utterance is something different in style, intent, and execution. Even the notion of “voice” is not fixed: in this set, a solo violin plays music to link the movements together, like a Baroque ritornello, echoing what has come before and foreshadowing what is to come. The instrument also sings, expressing various affects in its own voice, even though it sings without words.

MARTHA SULLIVAN Shakespeare's Throat

Voices of Ascension
Dennis Keene, Artistic Director
Elizabeth Fayette, Violin

Recording live in concert, April 14, 2016 at Church of the Ascension
The singers in this performance are represented by the American Guild of Musical Artists, AFL-CIO.